Friday, December 06, 2013

Saturday December 7th

Woke up at 5 am. I did pretty much everything on my list yesterday so I don't have any real plans for today.

I spend some hours in bed reading until it was time for breakfast  (which unfortunately wasn't as good as yesterday).

I stayed on at the hotel for a few hours longer, reading, laying by the pool and then headed down town to eat lunch and walk around a bit more.

Down town isn't really big so after circling it - again - I went for a manicure (of all things). It cost 5 dollars, but I got it down to 3 - and while I was doing it, I saw the place across the street was offering for 2.
But, still cheap - and some time was spent.

I went back to the hotel to take a shower and to collect my luggage. Then got a ride to the airport. Time for another marathon trip.

My flight left at 17:50, heading to Hong Kong where I will spend some hours before heading back to Europe.

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