Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tuesday September 22nd

This morning I discovered that my wallet was missing. Figured the only place it might have been lost was at the movies yesterday so I called - and yes, there it was. So, no disaster-day. :)

Bus to Dublin, which was full with people - and babies. :-/
But finally got there and walked to the guesthouse I had reserved a room at; the Avondale (which was situated close to the bus station):

The room was a little improvement from the last one, this has a shower at least - but no toilet:
Then I went out for a walk in the ctiy to get a feel for it - and determind what to do all these days in Dublin. This is my last stop and I'll be here for 6 nights.

Dublin, with the Dublin Spire in the background:
Went passed the famous Trinity College:

The National Gallery just closed as I got there, but I'll just take that another day.
Back to the room for some relaxation. :)

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